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No Gravity - The Plague Of Mind

ESRB rating for North America, click here for more information 7+, PEGI rating for most European countries, click here for more information Violence, PEGI descriptor for most European countries, click here for more information Fear, PEGI descriptor for most European countries, click here for more information

"The final game (...) has significantly improved visually over its already-impressive original incarnation" (IGN)
"The visuals in this game are stunning" (PlayStation® Official Magazine - UK, issue 039)
"This upcoming PSP title puts tons of retail games to shame with its incredible polish" (playstation.com)
"It’ll also come with a whole lot of unlockable goodies, and with a reasonable $9.99 price tag" (playstationlifestyle.net)
"No Gravity leads PSN update (...) the spotlight shining on an original game for the PSP" (Gamespot)
"And it may be the best 10 dollars I have spent on psn. (...) It is a free flying 3d shooter. The graphics are great for psp (and ten dollars) (...) It's a killer game!!" (GameFAQ)
"For $10, it is SO worth 10-15 hours of great gameplay. If you've got a PSP, access to the Playstation Store, and a few dollars lying around, I would easily recommend this game to you. Overall I'd give it a... 8.75/10" (Board US, PlayStation.com)

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